You’re welcome! I’m so glad you felt seen in this! It’s really been a process of greater self awareness for me. It’s like wait, why am I talking to myself like this?? I feel like I’m working out a new muscle catching the thought and shifting to one that feels better.

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Oh I'm so glad this found you at the right time! And YESSS to "feeling safe is a reality I create every time I honor my needs" so good!!! It's so eye opening to look back and connect the dots as to why we do what we do and realize ok, yeah, so that served that purpose at that time but does it actually serve me now. So much comes when we choose to stop operating on autopilot and just start asking ourselves these questions. Love your share!

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Such a timely read! I've really been exploring all the ways I've been self-abandoning in my career and personal life and digging deep into why. It definitely was safer for a long time, but now I realize that feeling safe is a reality I create every time I honor my needs. No matter how sensitive or changeable or contrary those needs might be to others! Thank you for sharing your own experience.

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I love this! Exactly! So spot on.

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Wow this really resonated with me. I could have written it all! Thank you for sharing the idea of being cognizant of our inner voice.

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So glad it resonated with you!

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