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I'm hosting a live community meetup

Join us on Zoom 9/18 at 12pm PST

Hey guys,

Let’s talk about the importance of co-regulation and why I'm holding our first live community call next week.

I've been teaching you guys a lot about different strategies to self regulate, and I'm very curious how that's going for you.

  • If you're liking any of these?

  • If they're a high pay off?

  • All the things.

But I also want to provide a space where we can co-regulate together in community because co-regulation makes it easier and more automatic for our bodies to self-regulate. It's really this precursor to self-regulation.

Having this opportunity to be in connection with other people and in environments that feel safe is key to really learning and integrating these strategies.

Community Call Details

So on this 30-minute call on Wednesday, 9/18 at 12pm PST.

  • I'm going to be holding space to hang out.

  • Walking you through a new tool - a personal favorite of mine for expanding our capacity to be with the uncomfortable. So good!!

  • We're going to do our assessments and figure out if it's a high payoff for you and if not, which strategy might be a better fit for your system.

  • We’re also going to be together in real-time for questions, sharing, and to just check-in.

I'm super curious how you guys are liking your toolkits or if you've started yet (totally OK if you haven’t and want to start now :) or if any of the strategies have been a high payoff for you? It’s going to be a time to share space, ask any questions, and connect and co-regulate together. I can’t wait. It's going to be great!

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This is for our paid side… however, the first 15 free subscribers that reply to this email- can join us for free.

Simply email me back and I will send you the link.

Save the date for Wednesday, September 18th at 12pm PST for 30 minutes.


I'm very excited about it. If you think you can make it RSVP and let me know.

And if you have questions you know you want answered on the call- leave them below! Hope to see you there!!

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This post is for paid subscribers

Neurodiversity Advocate
Reframing Neurodiversity
Welcome to Reframing Neurodiversity, I’m your host Melissa Jackson and I’m here to tell you that it’s time to see neurodivergence for what it truly is- a gift that benefits us all.
I’m on a mission to reframe the way we view neurodivergence as a collective, and to empower us as neurodivergent adults and parents with the language and tools to advocate for ourselves and our kids.
Join me each week as my guests and I share our personal experiences paired with cutting edge research leaving you feeling seen, validated and proud of the way your brain works.