
The Hand Clasp Guided Session

For when you're People Pleasing, Masking, or Self-Abandoning in the Fawn State

Hey guys.

Today, we're going to be diving in to some strategies that are going to support you when you find yourself in the state of fawn.

Here's the thing…

Healthy aggression actually helps us establish boundaries. But when we're in this state of fawn, which is a combination of shutdown, flight and fear, we tend to suppress our natural fight response.

So in these strategies, we're going to access our anger in a healthy way so that we can release it in little tiny steps that are supportive and safe to our nervous system.

Before we get started- make sure to grab your toolkit page and do use an assessment tool before and after you try this technique.


(Click here for all four guided techniques if you’re stuck in a fawn state.)

The fourth technique we're going to try today is called the hand clasp.

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