Welcome to the Neurodiversity Advocate,
Hi, I’m Melissa.
As an ADHD mom, who is highly sensitive, I have struggled with emotional regulation most of my life.
As mothers, we're juggling so many things, and our kids can poke at all the unhealed parts of us and significantly increase our demands…. which makes it so much easier to get swallowed up in feeling dysregulated.
For me, it was crippling for a very long time because I didn't have the tools to handle my dysregulation.
Let alone respond to my kids and their big feelings in the ways they needed because I was still figuring out my own stuff. Can you relate?
Healthy emotional regulation responses had never been modeled for me…
Therefore, I had never practiced them myself…
We're thrown into this as moms, and we’re just “supposed to know” how to do all the things in these healthy, secure, attached ways.
But it's just not possible if we’re not given the guidance and the right toolkit.
… That’s what this space is for.
Because we're an entire generation of women who are learning how to reparent ourselves.
Who are trying to show up for our inner children in the ways we needed from our caregivers but perhaps didn't receive.
So if you're feeling:
Overwhelmed and exhausted
Maybe you feel frustrated and reactive.
You might be disconnected from yourself or numb or checked out.
This page is going to provide you with some tools to get you started and teach you how to self-regulate your emotions and feel more confident in those triggering and heightened moments.
All of these things are so normal to experience
We just don't want to stay stuck in the dysregulation or within these survival states of our nervous system.
We want to feel empowered with tools that work for our system and can support us in moving up the nervous system ladder and into a place of safety in our bodies.
So, instead, we will:
Begin to understand and befriend our nervous systems.
Start to slow down, go inward, and feel into what your body is experiencing.
Lastly, find a somatic practice that best supports YOU in the exact state you’re in so you can create more fluidity within your system to flow and find that feeling of safety from the inside out.
These practices have personally changed my life
- as a person, as a friend, as a mother- in all of my relationships. And I want that for you too!
So let’s get started!
Creating your Emotional Regulation Toolkit
The way I've set this up for you is super simple and clear so that you don't have to overthink it.
[Step One] Download Your Toolkit
On this page, I’ll walk you through how to determine whether or not a tool is a high payoff for your nervous system and you'll have a space to keep track of the ones that work best for you.
As ADHDers our working memory can be a challenge so I’ve found having that go-to page as a reminder is helpful until we’ve fully integrated these practices into our lifestyle. Otherwise, it’s out of sight out of mind (you know what I mean?) and it can be hard to remember what to use and when. If you know, you know, right?!
[Step Two] Take the Quiz
Once you've downloaded your toolkit, your next step is to take the quiz.
It's so simple, you guys. It's only three questions and you can take it as many times as you want!
In less than a minute you’ll be provided with a guided video where I’m walking you through a strategy that is appropriate for how you're feeling in the moment that you take the quiz. We move in and out of different states throughout the day so taking it multiple times will likely give you different tools that will meet you where you’re at at the moment you need it!
If you like the practice that shows up for you, write it down in your toolkit (the one you just downloaded above) so you have it to refer to when you need it.
If it’s not your favorite, no problem, there’s more to choose from. Drop down and check out another video within the archives and see if there is a better match for the state you’re in whether that’s:
You really only need one or two high-payoff techniques per nervous system state and practicing those until you get really good at them is the best place to start!
These somatic practices support our system in moving out of these states so we can:
Create more fluidity within our system to be with the things that are dysregulating with a bit more ease and flow and show up in ways that feel good for ourselves and our kids.
This page is a jumping-off point that allows you to meet yourself in the ways that your body needs to feel safe and regulated.
So when you're in that moment when your kid is having a meltdown and you immediately feel your blood start to boil….
your heart starts to race
your hands start to sweat
you want to go to that automatic reactive response
You're going to know which tool to pull out so you can regulate those emotions in the moment and…
Support yourself in feeling more grounded and in control during those times when you feel heightened and triggered.
This opens up more space within yourself to start your reparenting process (ie giving that part of you who needs you in that moment what you need)
When we can hold more space for ourselves it expands our capacity to hold space for our kids in the ways that they need
So we can begin to feel more competent in our parenting and what we're passing down to this next generation.
And THIS is what truly starts to shift cycles in our families. Isn’t that powerful and exciting?!
Know you are so not alone! We are doing this together in a community of like-minded women who GET you!
Change is 100% possible. One baby step at a time is all it takes and it makes such a big difference.
A difference in the way you feel.
A difference in the way you show up for your kids.
A difference in your confidence.
Helping you feel more empowered to share these tools with your children as well so that we can truly begin to shift the dynamics in our families. But it starts with us!
So get started today.
Dive into the resources
And let me know what you think.
You got this! I am here for you, you are so not alone. We’re in this together!