
Guided Havening Session

A self-regulation tool that works in seconds

Hey guys.

Today I want to share one of my very favorite emotional regulation techniques.

I’m guiding my paid community through my top go-to self-regulation strategies that:

  • work really quickly

  • don't take a lot of setup

  • that you can do without any preparation

  • and use in the moment.

And for me and my nervous system, I find a lot of relief from these strategies.

I really encourage you to get curious about which ones work for you. Try them out. Use some of these assessment tools that I've taught you to determine if it's a high payoff for your nervous system.

Because once you have those go to strategies at your fingertips, that you already know work for you and how to use them, it really helps preempt some of these experiences that we're going to have throughout our days.

* And just as a disclaimer, it is not expected to stay regulated all the time. I feel like sometimes we can feel like if we're dysregulated, we're doing something wrong or it's a problem that needs to be fixed. And it's just not true.

The goal of having these emotional regulation strategies is so that we can be more fluid and flexible with our nervous system coming in and out of these different states that are going to happen, that are supposed to happen.

As neurodivergent people, we are highly sensitive and can struggle with emotional regulation, which falls under that umbrella of executive functioning. So it can be a challenge for many of us. Determining some things that work for us ahead of time, that we're well versed in before we need them, is really an act of self-care and self-love. And quite honestly just makes moving through the day a bit easier.

When I'm about to do something that I know creates a lot of anxiety or stress. I will do one of these tools to quickly get back into my body. It's something that I apply throughout my life. All the time.

And I want to share what works for me and help you find the things that work for you.

Because we're not all the same, but the good news is there's so many different strategies out there. And trying them out is the best way to know which ones work for you.

Why self-regulating your nervous system is so important

Understanding your nervous system and how to find a place of regulation in our body is so important is because it's really the root, the foundation of everything.

  • Our nervous system drives our emotions and our feelings.

  • Our emotions and our feelings drive our thoughts and our beliefs.

  • Our thoughts and our beliefs drive our actions.

  • And our actions determine our results and the lives that we end up leading.

So the more control and ease we have to move in and out of these different states of our nervous system (that are inevitable,) the more confidence we have in ourselves to find our way back into feeling safe in our bodies nipping those negative thought loops in the bud. And then we can start taking action from a place of regulation and safety and really move the needle towards the things that we desire in our lives in a positive way.

And so that's why understanding how to support and befriend my nervous system as a highly sensitive neurodivergent person has been so essential and foundational to everything I’ve wanted to create in my life.

Guided Havening Session

So today I want to share with you one of my very favorites: Havening.

Havening is a technique where we are going to be touching our hands.

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